Blind Contour Drawings

Back in college this was one of my favorite exercises in life drawing, though I did have a few peers that struggled with this. A blind contour drawing is where you look at your subject matter, and only your subject matter. Keep those eyes off the paper until your done! 
This is what artists struggle with, naturally we want to look at the paper as we draw and this exercise forces us to do the opposite. 

So what's the point of this exercise? We're glad you asked, Betty Edwards, who popularized this method is quoted to calling it the "pure contour drawing". It uses the left side of your brain and instead of drawing what you think you see you are forced to draw what you actually see.

We've provided a few examples of our own! 

These exercises are a great way to warm up before drawing, while the results may be a little... Silly, they exercise a different part of our brain that in turn helps our more creative side!

Creative tutorials are a chance to explore your creativity and try techniques that you've never explored or want to hone your skills at.

Follow along with turotials on acrylic pouring to image transer and beyond. Endless possibilities and infinite creativity!